Maryland Maryland State Facts

There are fewer men than woman in Maryland. The overall gender ratio is 94 men to 100 women.

The Maryland flag was adopted on November 25, 1904. The flag has been ranked the 3rd best U.S. flag by a leading Vexillology Organization.

The Maryland quarter was the 7th quarter released overall. The quarter was released on March 13, 2000.

Recent estimates put Maryland's population at around 5,976,000 people (19th out of 56).The population density is 615.7 people per square mile (10th out of 56).

Someone from Maryland is known as a Marylander. View our List of Adjectival and Demonyms for all the States.

Maryland was the 7th state when it joined the United States on April 28, 1788. Prior to 1788, Maryland was known as "Province of Maryland."

Essential Maryland Facts

  • MD
    Postal Code
    The Maryland postal code is MD. This abbreviation has been used since the USPS first established official codes in October 1963.
  • Gender Ratio
    Gender Ratio: 94 Men to 100 Women
    Male Population: 2,896,418 men
    Female Population: 3,079,989 women
  • State Flag
    The 4 main colors in the Maryland flag are Black, Corn, Old Brick, and White
  • State Quarter
    The Maryland Quarter was released in March 03, 2000.
    Total Mintage: 1.23 billion.
    Engraver: Thomas D. Rodgers
  • Population and Area
    Population: 5,976,407 people
    Land Area: 9,707 square miles
    Population Density: 5,976,407 people per square mile

Areas Codes in Maryland (8)

  • 202
  • 240
  • 301
  • 302
  • 304
  • 410
  • 443
  • 703

Maryland Counties (24)

County Top Cities
Allegany County Barton, Corriganville, Cumberland, Eckhart Mines, Ellerslie, and Flintstone
Anne Arundel County Annapolis, Annapolis Junction, Arnold, Baltimore, Brooklyn, and Churchton
Baltimore city Baltimore and Curtis Bay
Baltimore County Baldwin, Baltimore, Boring, Brooklandville, Butler, and Catonsville
Calvert County Barstow, Broomes Island, Chesapeake Beach, Dowell, Dunkirk, and Huntingtown
Caroline County Bethlehem, Denton, Federalsburg, Goldsboro, Greensboro, and Henderson
Carroll County Finksburg, Hampstead, Lineboro, Manchester, Mount Airy, and New Windsor
Cecil County Cecilton, Charlestown, Chesapeake City, Childs, Colora, and Conowingo
Charles County Bel Alton, Benedict, Bryans Road, Bryantown, Charlotte Hall, and Cobb Island
Dorchester County Cambridge, Church Creek, Crapo, Crocheron, East New Market, and Fishing Creek
Frederick County Adamstown, Braddock Heights, Brunswick, Buckeystown, Burkittsville, and Emmitsburg
Garrett County Accident, Bittinger, Bloomington, Friendsville, Grantsville, and Kitzmiller
Harford County Aberdeen, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Abingdon, Bel Air, Belcamp, and Benson
Howard County Clarksville, Columbia, Cooksville, Dayton, Dhs, and Elkridge
Kent County Betterton, Chestertown, Galena, Kennedyville, Massey, and Rock Hall
Montgomery County Ashton, Barnesville, Beallsville, Bethesda, Boyds, and Brinklow
Prince George's County Accokeek, Andrews Air Force Base, Aquasco, Beltsville, Bladensburg, and Bowie
Queen Anne's County Barclay, Centreville, Chester, Church Hill, Crumpton, and Grasonville
Somerset County Allen, Crisfield, Deal Island, Eden, Ewell, and Manokin
St. Mary's County Abell, Avenue, Bushwood, California, Callaway, and Chaptico
Talbot County Bozman, Claiborne, Cordova, Easton, Mcdaniel, and Neavitt
Washington County Big Pool, Boonsboro, Brownsville, Cascade, Cavetown, and Chewsville
Wicomico County Bivalve, Delmar, Fruitland, Hebron, Mardela Springs, and Nanticoke
Worcester County Berlin, Bishopville, Girdletree, Newark, Ocean City, and Pocomoke City
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