Vermont Vermont State Facts

There are fewer men than woman in Vermont. The overall gender ratio is 97 men to 100 women.

The Vermont flag was adopted on April 17, 1923. The flag has been ranked the 46th best U.S. flag by a leading Vexillology Organization.

The Vermont quarter was the 14th quarter released overall. The quarter was released on August 6, 2001.

Recent estimates put Vermont's population at around 627,000 people (51st out of 56).The population density is 68.0 people per square mile (37th out of 56).

Someone from Vermont is known as a Vermonter. View our List of Adjectival and Demonyms for all the States.

Vermont was the 14th state when it joined the United States on March 4, 1791. Prior to 1791, Vermont was known as "Republic of Vermont (formed upon land claimed by both New York and New Hampshire).."

Essential Vermont Facts

  • VT
    Postal Code
    The Vermont postal code is VT. This abbreviation has been used since the USPS first established official codes in October 1963.
  • Gender Ratio
    Gender Ratio: 97 Men to 100 Women
    Male Population: 308,849 men
    Female Population: 317,713 women
  • State Flag
    The 7 main colors in the Vermont flag are Resolution Blue, Olive, Picasso, Honeysuckle, Sunglow, Camarone, and Black
  • State Quarter
    The Vermont Quarter was released in August 08, 2001.
    Total Mintage: 0.88 billion.
    Engraver: T. James Ferrell
  • Population and Area
    Population: 626,562 people
    Land Area: 9,217 square miles
    Population Density: 626,562 people per square mile

Areas Codes in Vermont (2)

  • 603
  • 802

Vermont Counties (14)

County Top Cities
Addison County Bridport, Bristol, East Middlebury, Ferrisburgh, Granville, and Hancock
Bennington County Arlington, Bennington, Bondville, Dorset, East Arlington, and East Dorset
Caledonia County Barnet, Danville, East Burke, East Hardwick, East Ryegate, and East Saint Johnsbury
Chittenden County Burlington, Charlotte, Colchester, Essex, Essex Junction, and Hinesburg
Essex County Averill, Beecher Falls, Canaan, Concord, East Haven, and Gilman
Franklin County Bakersfield, East Berkshire, East Fairfield, Enosburg Falls, Fairfax, and Fairfield
Grand Isle County Alburgh, Grand Isle, Isle La Motte, North Hero, and South Hero
Lamoille County Belvidere Center, Cambridge, Eden, Eden Mills, Hyde Park, and Jeffersonville
Orange County Bradford, Brookfield, Chelsea, Corinth, East Corinth, and East Randolph
Orleans County Albany, Barton, Beebe Plain, Coventry, Craftsbury, and Craftsbury Common
Rutland County Belmont, Benson, Bomoseen, Brandon, Castleton, and Center Rutland
Washington County Adamant, Barre, Cabot, Calais, East Barre, and East Calais
Windham County Bellows Falls, Brattleboro, Cambridgeport, East Dover, Grafton, and Jacksonville
Windsor County Ascutney, Barnard, Bethel, Bridgewater, Bridgewater Corners, and Brownsville
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