South Dakota South Dakota State Facts

There are more men than women in South Dakota. The overall gender ratio is 101 men to 100 women.

The South Dakota flag was adopted on November 9, 1992. The flag has been ranked the 53rd best U.S. flag by a leading Vexillology Organization.

The South Dakota quarter was the 40th quarter released overall. The quarter was released on November 6, 2006.

Recent estimates put South Dakota's population at around 853,000 people (47th out of 56).The population density is 11.3 people per square mile (52nd out of 56).

Someone from South Dakota is known as a South Dakotan. View our List of Adjectival and Demonyms for all the States.

South Dakota was the 40th state when it joined the United States on November 2, 1889. Prior to 1889, South Dakota was known as "Dakota Territory."

Essential South Dakota Facts

  • SD
    Postal Code
    The South Dakota postal code is SD. This abbreviation has been used since the USPS first established official codes in October 1963.
  • Gender Ratio
    Gender Ratio: 101 Men to 100 Women
    Male Population: 429,313 men
    Female Population: 423,862 women
  • State Flag
    The 3 main colors in the South Dakota flag are Allports, White, and Amber
  • State Quarter
    The South Dakota Quarter was released in November 11, 2006.
    Total Mintage: 0.51 billion.
    Engraver: John Mercanti
  • Population and Area
    Population: 853,175 people
    Land Area: 75,811 square miles
    Population Density: 853,175 people per square mile

Areas Codes in South Dakota (8)

  • 307
  • 308
  • 402
  • 406
  • 507
  • 605
  • 701
  • 712

South Dakota Counties (66)

County Top Cities
Aurora County Plankinton, Stickney, and White Lake
Beadle County Cavour, Hitchcock, Huron, Virgil, Wessington, and Wolsey
Bennett County Allen, Martin, and Tuthill
Bon Homme County Avon, Scotland, Springfield, Tabor, and Tyndall
Brookings County Aurora, Brookings, Bruce, Elkton, Sinai, and Volga
Brown County Aberdeen, Barnard, Bath, Claremont, Columbia, and Ferney
Brule County Chamberlain, Kimball, and Pukwana
Buffalo County Fort Thompson and Gann Valley
Butte County Belle Fourche, Newell, Nisland, and Vale
Campbell County Herreid, Mound City, and Pollock
Charles Mix County Dante, Geddes, Lake Andes, Marty, Pickstown, and Platte
Clark County Bradley, Carpenter, Clark, Garden City, Raymond, and Vienna
Clay County Burbank, Vermillion, and Wakonda
Codington County Florence, Henry, Kranzburg, South Shore, Wallace, and Watertown
Corson County Bullhead, Keldron, Little Eagle, Mc Intosh, Mc Laughlin, and Morristown
Custer County Buffalo Gap, Custer, Fairburn, Hermosa, and Pringle
Davison County Ethan, Mitchell, and Mount Vernon
Day County Andover, Bristol, Grenville, Pierpont, Roslyn, and Waubay
Deuel County Astoria, Brandt, Clear Lake, Gary, Goodwin, and Toronto
Dewey County Eagle Butte, Glencross, Isabel, Lantry, Ridgeview, and Timber Lake
Douglas County Armour, Corsica, Delmont, Harrison, and New Holland
Edmunds County Bowdle, Hosmer, Ipswich, and Roscoe
Fall River County Edgemont, Hot Springs, Oelrichs, Oral, and Smithwick
Faulk County Cresbard, Faulkton, Onaka, Rockham, and Seneca
Grant County Big Stone City, Labolt, Marvin, Milbank, Revillo, and Stockholm
Gregory County Bonesteel, Burke, Fairfax, Gregory, Herrick, and Saint Charles
Haakon County Midland, Milesville, and Philip
Hamlin County Bryant, Castlewood, Estelline, Hayti, Hazel, and Lake Norden
Hand County Miller, Orient, Ree Heights, and Saint Lawrence
Hanson County Alexandria, Emery, and Fulton
Harding County Buffalo, Camp Crook, Ludlow, Ralph, Redig, and Reva
Hughes County Blunt, Harrold, and Pierre
Hutchinson County Dimock, Freeman, Kaylor, Menno, Olivet, and Parkston
Hyde County Highmore, Holabird, and Stephan
Jackson County Belvidere, Interior, Kadoka, Long Valley, and Wanblee
Jerauld County Alpena, Lane, and Wessington Springs
Jones County Draper, Murdo, and Okaton
Kingsbury County Arlington, Badger, De Smet, Erwin, Iroquois, and Lake Preston
Lake County Chester, Madison, Nunda, Ramona, Rutland, and Wentworth
Lawrence County Deadwood, Lead, Nemo, Saint Onge, Spearfish, and Whitewood
Lincoln County Canton, Fairview, Harrisburg, Hudson, Lennox, and Sioux Falls
Lyman County Kennebec, Lower Brule, Oacoma, Presho, Reliance, and Vivian
Marshall County Amherst, Britton, Eden, Lake City, Langford, and Veblen
McCook County Bridgewater, Canistota, Montrose, Salem, and Spencer
McPherson County Eureka, Leola, and Long Lake
Meade County Black Hawk, Ellsworth Afb, Enning, Faith, Fort Meade, and Howes
Mellette County Norris, White River, and Wood
Miner County Canova, Carthage, Fedora, and Howard
Minnehaha County Baltic, Brandon, Colton, Crooks, Dell Rapids, and Garretson
Moody County Colman, Egan, Flandreau, and Trent
Pennington County Box Elder, Caputa, Hill City, Keystone, New Underwood, and Owanka
Perkins County Bison, Lemmon, Lodgepole, Meadow, and Prairie City
Potter County Gettysburg, Hoven, Lebanon, and Tolstoy
Roberts County Claire City, Corona, New Effington, Ortley, Peever, and Rosholt
Sanborn County Artesian, Letcher, and Woonsocket
Shannon County Batesland, Kyle, Manderson, Oglala, Pine Ridge, and Porcupine
Spink County Ashton, Brentford, Conde, Doland, Frankfort, and Mellette
Stanley County Fort Pierre and Hayes
Sully County Agar and Onida
Todd County Mission, Okreek, Parmelee, Rosebud, and Saint Francis
Tripp County Colome, Dallas, Hamill, Ideal, Winner, and Witten
Turner County Centerville, Chancellor, Davis, Hurley, Marion, and Monroe
Union County Alcester, Beresford, Elk Point, Jefferson, and North Sioux City
Walworth County Akaska, Glenham, Java, Mobridge, and Selby
Yankton County Gayville, Irene, Lesterville, Mission Hill, Utica, and Volin
Ziebach County Cherry Creek and Dupree
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