Oregon Oregon State Facts

There are fewer men than woman in Oregon. The overall gender ratio is 98 men to 100 women.

The Oregon flag was adopted on April 15, 1925. The flag has been ranked the 47th best U.S. flag by a leading Vexillology Organization.

The Oregon quarter was the 33rd quarter released overall. The quarter was released on June 6, 2005.

Recent estimates put Oregon's population at around 3,970,000 people (27th out of 56).The population density is 41.4 people per square mile (45th out of 56).

Someone from Oregon is known as a Oregonian. View our List of Adjectival and Demonyms for all the States.

Oregon was the 33rd state when it joined the United States on February 14, 1859. Prior to 1859, Oregon was known as "Oregon Territory."

Essential Oregon Facts

  • OR
    Postal Code
    The Oregon postal code is OR. This abbreviation has been used since the USPS first established official codes in October 1963.
  • Gender Ratio
    Gender Ratio: 98 Men to 100 Women
    Male Population: 1,964,100 men
    Female Population: 2,006,139 women
  • State Flag
    The 2 main colors in the Oregon flag are Resolution Blue and Broom
  • State Quarter
    The Oregon Quarter was released in June 06, 2005.
    Total Mintage: 0.72 billion.
    Engraver: Donna Weaver
  • Population and Area
    Population: 3,970,239 people
    Land Area: 95,988 square miles
    Population Density: 3,970,239 people per square mile

Areas Codes in Oregon (6)

  • 208
  • 503
  • 509
  • 530
  • 541
  • 971

Oregon Counties (36)

County Top Cities
Baker County Baker City, Bridgeport, Durkee, Haines, Halfway, and Hereford
Benton County Albany, Alsea, Corvallis, Monroe, and Philomath
Clackamas County Beavercreek, Boring, Brightwood, Canby, Clackamas, and Colton
Clatsop County Arch Cape, Astoria, Cannon Beach, Hammond, Seaside, and Tolovana Park
Columbia County Clatskanie, Columbia City, Deer Island, Rainier, Saint Helens, and Scappoose
Coos County Allegany, Bandon, Broadbent, Coos Bay, Coquille, and Lakeside
Crook County Paulina, Post, Powell Butte, and Prineville
Curry County Agness, Brookings, Gold Beach, Langlois, Ophir, and Port Orford
Deschutes County Bend, Brothers, La Pine, Redmond, and Sisters
Douglas County Azalea, Camas Valley, Canyonville, Days Creek, Dillard, and Drain
Gilliam County Arlington, Condon, and Mikkalo
Grant County Bates, Canyon City, Dayville, John Day, Kimberly, and Long Creek
Harney County Burns, Crane, Diamond, Drewsey, Fields, and Frenchglen
Hood River County Cascade Locks, Hood River, Mount Hood Parkdale, and Odell
Jackson County Ashland, Butte Falls, Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold Hill, and Jacksonville
Jefferson County Ashwood, Camp Sherman, Culver, Madras, Terrebonne, and Warm Springs
Josephine County Cave Junction, Grants Pass, Kerby, Merlin, Murphy, and O Brien
Klamath County Beatty, Bly, Bonanza, Chemult, Chiloquin, and Crater Lake
Lake County Adel, Christmas Valley, Fort Rock, Lakeview, New Pine Creek, and Paisley
Lane County Alvadore, Blachly, Blue River, Cheshire, Cottage Grove, and Creswell
Lincoln County Blodgett, Depoe Bay, Eddyville, Gleneden Beach, Lincoln City, and Logsden
Linn County Albany, Brownsville, Cascadia, Crabtree, Crawfordsville, and Foster
Malheur County Adrian, Arock, Brogan, Harper, Ironside, and Jamieson
Marion County Aumsville, Aurora, Detroit, Donald, Gervais, and Hubbard
Morrow County Boardman, Heppner, Ione, Irrigon, and Lexington
Multnomah County Bridal Veil, Corbett, Fairview, Gresham, Portland, and Troutdale
Polk County Dallas, Falls City, Grand Ronde, Independence, Monmouth, and Rickreall
Sherman County Grass Valley, Kent, Moro, Rufus, and Wasco
Tillamook County Bay City, Beaver, Cloverdale, Garibaldi, Hebo, and Manzanita
Umatilla County Adams, Athena, Echo, Helix, Hermiston, and Meacham
Union County Cove, Elgin, Imbler, La Grande, North Powder, and Summerville
Wallowa County Enterprise, Imnaha, Joseph, Lostine, and Wallowa
Wasco County Antelope, Dufur, Maupin, Mosier, Shaniko, and The Dalles
Washington County Banks, Beaverton, Buxton, Cornelius, Forest Grove, and Gales Creek
Wheeler County Fossil, Mitchell, and Spray
Yamhill County Amity, Carlton, Dayton, Dundee, Lafayette, and Mcminnville
** This Document Provided By States101.com **
Source: https://www.states101.com/oregon