Nevada Nevada State Facts

There are more men than women in Nevada. The overall gender ratio is 101 men to 100 women.

The Nevada flag was adopted on July 25, 1991. The flag has been ranked the 40th best U.S. flag by a leading Vexillology Organization.

The Nevada quarter was the 36th quarter released overall. The quarter was released on January 31, 2006.

Recent estimates put Nevada's population at around 2,839,000 people (36th out of 56).The population density is 25.9 people per square mile (48th out of 56).

Someone from Nevada is known as a Nevadan. View our List of Adjectival and Demonyms for all the States.

Nevada was the 36th state when it joined the United States on October 31, 1864. Prior to 1864, Nevada was known as "Nevada Territory."

Essential Nevada Facts

  • NV
    Postal Code
    The Nevada postal code is NV. This abbreviation has been used since the USPS first established official codes in October 1963.
  • Gender Ratio
    Gender Ratio: 101 Men to 100 Women
    Male Population: 1,426,793 men
    Female Population: 1,412,306 women
  • State Flag
    The 2 main colors in the Nevada flag are Cobalt and School bus Yellow
  • State Quarter
    The Nevada Quarter was released in January 01, 2006.
    Total Mintage: 0.59 billion.
    Engraver: Don Everhart
  • Population and Area
    Population: 2,839,099 people
    Land Area: 109,781 square miles
    Population Density: 2,839,099 people per square mile

Areas Codes in Nevada (3)

  • 530
  • 702
  • 775

Nevada Counties (18)

County Top Cities
Carson City Carson City
Carson City Carson City
Churchill County Fallon
Clark County Blue Diamond, Boulder City, Bunkerville, Cal Nev Ari, Coyote Springs, and Henderson
Douglas County Carson City, Gardnerville, Genoa, Glenbrook, Minden, and Stateline
Elko County Carlin, Deeth, Elko, Jackpot, Jarbidge, and Lamoille
Esmeralda County Dyer, Goldfield, and Silverpeak
Eureka County Crescent Valley and Eureka
Humboldt County Denio, Golconda, Mc Dermitt, Orovada, Paradise Valley, and Valmy
Lander County Austin and Battle Mountain
Lincoln County Alamo, Caliente, Coyote Springs, Hiko, Panaca, and Pioche
Lyon County Dayton, Fernley, Silver City, Silver Springs, Smith, and Yerington
Mineral County Hawthorne, Luning, Mina, and Schurz
Nye County Amargosa Valley, Beatty, Duckwater, Gabbs, Manhattan, and Mercury
Pershing County Imlay and Lovelock
Storey County Virginia City
Washoe County Crystal Bay, Empire, Gerlach, Incline Village, Nixon, and Reno
White Pine County Baker, Ely, Lund, Mc Gill, and Ruth
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