Florida Florida Population, Area, and Density

The population of Florida is 19,893,297 people based on the U.S. Census Bureau's 2014 estimate. Florida is ranked number 3 out of 56 U.S. States and Territories in terms of highest population. This is 245.1% above the national average of 5,763,868 people.

The total area in Florida is 65,757.8 square miles. There state is 81.6% land and 18.5% water. The population density in Florida is 371.0 people per square mile (13th out of 56).

Population Density Calculation

Population Density = Total Population ÷ Total Land Area
Population Density = 19,893,297 people ÷ 53,624.6 sq mi
Population Density = 371.0 people per sq mile


2014 2010 2000
Population 19,893,297 (3rd out of 56) 18,801,310 (4th out of 56) 15,982,378 (4th out of 56)
National Average 5,763,868 5,586,545 5,100,365
Difference 245.1% above avg 236.5% above avg 213.4% above avg


Miles2 Kilometers2 Acres
Total Area 65,757.8 mi2 170,312 km2 42,084,947 acres (22nd out of 56)
Land Area 53,624.6 mi2 138,887 km2 34,319,672 acres (81.6%)
Water Area 12,132.9 mi2 31,424 km2 7,765,028 acres (18.5%)
National Average 4,821.4 mi2 12,487 km2 3,085,666 acres

Population Density

2014 2010 2000
Density (people per sq mi) 371.0 (13th out of 56) 350.6 (13th out of 56) 298.0 (14th out of 56)
Average (people per sq mi) 434.9 415.6 398.2
Difference 14.7% below avg 15.6% below avg 25.2% below avg
** This Document Provided By States101.com **
Source: https://www.states101.com/populations/florida